Friday, October 28, 2011

Dogless in NZ

I've been a dog lover all my life and I've been fortunate to have several to call my own. The decision to come to NZ and leave our three Dobermans behind was not an easy one for me to make. My husband had a much easier time with it. I had many sleepless nights. However, the opportunity to visit and explore the land of two halves was too great to pass up on. So I said goodbye to 11 year old Zeus, 6 year old Cooper and 2 year old Bella and left them in the very capable hands of my sister-in-law, Marsha.
I admit that life is easier without having to take care of the dogs. We only have to look after ourselves without the added responsibility. That said, there is so much I miss about my dogs. But, because we are so very,very,very far from home, thinking about them is not a luxury I can afford. So instead, I flirt with every dog I meet. A beautiful Vizsla, a Hungarian Pointer, who greets every visitor at his wool shed with an intimidating bark, all at a full run. He reminded me of Zeus, the Protector. Then there was a Border Collie who attached herself to me while I combed the beach for driftwood one day. No owners around but some houses nearby where she must live. She loved to fetch beachstones, and reminded me of Cooper. And then there's Gizmo, a Papillon/Chihuahua mix living on the farm at Lansdowne. Gizzie beats to a different drummer, just like my Bella. Marsha assures me that the dogs are doing well and carrying on just fine without us. So I will have to wait until it is time to return home and be greeted with that old unconditional love again!

1 comment:

  1. Cute dogs. The border collie looks like it is working (or wants to). How is the Vizsla around people and other dogs? The Pappy/Chi mix looks cute.
